
Thursday, March 20, 2014


As a semi-computer geek, I have done data entry in the past. It is technical and precise; attention to detail is important. I have that!

I have been attending the church of my choice this year. I like it there. It is friendly, all-accepting, and family-like. Before I started attending there, I withdrew my membership from my previous church (for personal reasons).

I met with the Pastor first, attended, and decided to join the membership. The Pastor and I met again at my home and we talked about the church and being a Christian. I found my original baptismal certificate from 1949 into the Presbyterian Church where I grew up and showed it to him. He later set a date for my acceptance as a church member.

The Presbyterian Church runs the Food Pantry for Fayette County. I told the Pastor I wanted to do volunteer work there.

Sunday morning, March 16th, I went before the congregation, was introduced and accepted. I feel like I have a new home. I know several people who are members at the church, and I am meeting new people.

The director of the Food Pantry introduced herself to me and was glad to hear I wanted to volunteer. I met with her husband today; he is the church treasurer. Once they learned of my computer knowledge, I was trained on the state program run by the Mid-Ohio Food Bank and he showed me what to do. I spent a couple hours inputting all the data for the last two pantry days. The pantry is open three days a week for two hours each.

Later, after the pantry closed, the volunteers of the day came to the office, because more people will be trained on the new computer system. The treasurer and I showed them the basics of input and verifying their information.

I have now been deemed the Training Officer on the program and will be doing individual training for the volunteers who want to learn the system. Until the training is done, and the computer is implemented in the pantry itself, I will be working a few hours three days a week to input the data necessary to produce the monthly reports to the state. I will then be able to work at the pantry overseeing others doing the entries and be available to assist if there is a problem.

I LOVE MY NEW VOLUNTEER JOB! It suits me and feel productive and active again.


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