
Sunday, May 9, 2010


If you study anatomy, you learn that there are many, many muscles in the body. This evening EVERY ONE OF MINE HURTS! After a breakfast function this morning, I headed over to a school/community center to help out with the ANGELS AWAITING rummage sale. The sale took up two school rooms and many, many tables full of all kinds of bargains. I got into the action and started helping the patrons by starting a stack of items for each and the cashier ran a tab for each as I added more and more items they had picked out. If you free up their arms, they will fill them up again! It's a "marketing" trick.

After selling a love seat and scooting it to the front of the room, and filling it up with more items, I even offered to give free delivery service with my truck. Fancy Mustang's are not meant to carry furniture! So delivery was part of my "going the extra mile for the sale."

One of the special guests at the breakfast came to our sale, State Representative Ray Pryor, and his family. Being the very special person that he is, willing to do anything for his constituants, he grabbed one end of the love seat and I took the other end and we loaded it into my truck for my special neighbor who bought it. Now that's being a GOOD REPRESENTATIVE!

A woman filled a larged black trash bag full of bargains and I carried the bag to her car for her. She had recently had knee surgery, and I understood that all too well. The other women of our group sat in their chairs and just cheered, "Go Gail Go" as I kept busy helping customers, selling, selling, selling.

When the sale was over, the cleanup began. We had to bag up and box up all the leftover items as they were being donated to our local GOODWILL store. I backed my truck up and started loading the full boxes. I loaded and loaded until I realize I was loading the truck alone. I asked the one man who was there to help me load a heavy box, and he brought out a few others. When the truck was totally full, I headed to Goodwill. After the unloading, I went back for another load.

My friend's husband, who was so sick he should be home in bed, was there loading his truck by that time. Once his truck was loaded, we started loading mine again. When everything was loaded, the gals were bagging up the trash and cleaning the room. All that was left were some baked goods from the bake sale part of the event. It was decided to deliver them to the homeless shelter, so I again offered to deliver.

The two trucks arrived at Goodwill and were unloaded again. They received a LARGE donation today from ANGELS AWAITING. I proceeded to the homeless shelter and two gals came out to receive the two baby items being donated and all the baked goods. They were VERY happy to get those items. I think we made many people happy today. We sure saw lots of smiles on many faces. It felt good to see happy people.

We came so close to our monetary goal, I would definitely call the day a success. As our ANGELS AWAITING MATERNITY HOME organization gets off the ground running, we hope to "make a difference" in this community. We will soon offer a "home away from home" place for single/divorced pregnant homeless women to stay, and up to three months after their baby is born. Many resources and services will be available to assist the women in getting started in motherhood and beyond. Seeing the teen pregnancy rate and the battered women statistics, this service should fill a great need in this community. I'm glad our first "kick off event" was such a success.

After I got home, I crashed on the couch; I remember waking up at 8pm and asking myself, I wonder if I got the number of the Mack truck that hit me, cause I sure am sore all over. I just worked too hard today, but for a good cause. I'll heal and keep on keepin-on, just like always!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THANKS, Gail, for all the hard work and your marketing zeal!

I found out today that we made our GOAL! With all the hubbub, a few people remembered that they had forgotten to pay for merchandise.

We can pay for the government forms filing and for the printer!