Monday, May 31, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010

I was reading the news tonight and learned that someone wants to change what we just fought to get out of Congress. I quote:
Health Care Amendment Petition In Fayette County
The amendment would make it unconstitutional for any person, employer, or health care provider to be compelled by law to participate in a health care system.
Ohio voters could see a proposed amendment to the constitution on the ballot next November concerning health care. The Ohio Liberty Council, a state wide coalition, has submitted the amendment and petitions are being circulated in the hopes of gathering 600 thousand signatures.
John Rhoad, Fayette County Coordinator for The Ohio Project, said the proposed amendment is in response to the new federal health care bill passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama. He said the amendment would give Ohioans choices when it comes to health care.
The amendment would make it unconstitutional for any person, employer, or health care provider to be compelled by law to participate in a health care system. The law would also make it unconstitutional to prohibit the purchase or sale of health care or health insurance, and it would prohibit the government from imposing a penalty or fine for the sale or purchase of health care or health insurance.
Ohio Liberty Council President Chris Littleton said, “With the passage of untenable national mandates on health insurance, the federal government is trampling on the direct constitutional authority and responsibility of state legislatures”.
More information about the proposed amendment is available at TheOhioProject.com web site. John Rhoad said Fayette County voters wishing to sign the petition can stop by (unquote) a particular office in Washington C.H. to sign it (which I'm not going to mention).
Their deadline to sign the petition here is June 28th.
We lobbied our congressmen to pass HEALTHCARE REFORM for the benefit of the country and now someone in Ohio wants to change Ohio law to NOT accept part of it. WHY? I just wish we didn't have to wait till 2014 for the major parts to take effect. WHY not 2012? We need it NOW!
Monday, May 24, 2010

Yard work is just not my bag. Not anymore. Small projects are much easier for me, but I worked hard Sunday out in the hot sun.
I assisted John in cleaning up a brush growth that was not all mine to take care of. It was tall, ugly, and sat on the property line between my other house and the next door neighbor. The neighbor had agreed a year ago to remove it all. However, after a year of waiting and talking to the neighbor again, I was told to go ahead and take care of it.
After John mowed the yard, I borrowed a chain saw and he started cutting down the brush. It was a collection of small wooded growth, and a small tree that branched out looking more like a large bushy looking thing. It just was growth, not really anything to look at or admire. I pulled greenery, weeds, raked the area and we bagged up the mess. There is still a little more work to be done, but the heat got to us after a while.
I also worked in the house, since the tenants were moved out. I had to clean up the mess they left and take out the trash. I didn't get it all done, but this week I will be back up there, working on other rooms. The water has been shut off, but I can vacuum since the electric is still on, so far. At least we changed the locks on the doors, and the neighbor watches the house for intruders, or if the former tenants try to come back. The few items they left are being disposed of in my cleanup effort.
I worked harder today, inside and outside of that house than I have in a long time. I sure got my exercise, AGAIN. I know, its good for me!
After getting home, a quick sandwich, and sitting in the cool breeze for a while, I went in to lie down for a bit to rest up. I was surprised when I woke up three hours later. I guess the body needed a recharge.
Monday is the start of a new week, more cleanup and more work scheduled. Another busy, happy weekend. At least the weather is getting better, and I look forward to more sunshine - I just have to watch getting overheated by doing too much at one time.
Saturday, May 22, 2010

That mack truck drove on down the road, and as I was recovering, this big train came along! WHACK! What a happy roller coaster I've been on. Busy was not the word for this week...running is more like it. I got my exercise for sure. It's been quite a week.
Monday, May 10th, I went to the post office to see the postmaster to report a disturbing event from Saturday. Since it was a violation of a city ordinance, I felt I needed to do something. I was driving down Rose Avenue and saw a postman go behind a large piece of equipment at an abandoned building. It was visible from the street and from the house directly across from it. I stopped to see what was wrong. After the postman got back into his truck and proceeded one block down to continue his deliveries, I went to check behind the piece of equipment and found the wet puddle. I took photos and wrote down the number of the mail truck. I just didn't think it was right what he did. The postmaster didn't think so either after I told him about it and showed him the pictures. He said he would take care of it.
On May 14th, the For Rent sign went back up on my house I'd rented out two months ago. The guy kicked his girlfriend out and then abandoned the house. So we start over, and change the locks!
Then on Friday, after a normal start to my morning, a friend was taken to the hospital, then admitted with double pneumonia. I offered my time and help to do anything needed for the next few days since there were others in the family to consider. I took his wife back and forth to the hospital two or three times a day, took care of his mother, the house, the dogs, and anything else I could do for them. I was running and running, but it was a labor of love for my friends. I went to the hospital by myself a couple times to see if there was anything else I could do. My son John also stopped to visit him in the hospital. John said he enjoyed that visit and they both were able to laugh a bit.
The weekend was busy with visits and making sure everyone was ok. On Monday, his wife had to have a tooth pulled at the dentist. After I dropped her off, I made a quick trip to Walgreens, then back to pick her up and take her home to rest.
He was being treated with antibiotics and he was doing better. On Tuesday, the good news came that he was being discharged. I drove his wife to the hospital and he was ready to go home. He was glad to get home I know.
After dropping him off at home, I went to my galfriend's house to fix something on her computer. Then it was off to Kroger to get his medicine and a few things. As I was waiting, a guy who was also waiting his turn, started talking to me. He was 85 and by the time my order was ready, I knew all about his medical and family history, but I still didn't know his name. It helped pass the time. After I delivered the medicine and other items, I went home and spent the rest of the evening on the couch - resting up. The train had been on the fast track all weekend.
I had a meeting Thursday evening, then another one at noon Friday, and then off to my therapy appointment in the afternoon. Saturday morning was suppose to be a painting event at the park, but with the storm of last night and the wet ground and dampness in the air, I knew that painting was out of the question. I went to the store instead. I spent the afternoon with a friend, watching reruns of Law & Order, talking old times, and watching the dogs play.
The train keeps going, I keep busy with all my volunteer work, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I enjoy keeping busy and feeling needed and appreciated. What better reason to get up each day - to do something to help others.
Sunday, May 9, 2010

If you study anatomy, you learn that there are many, many muscles in the body. This evening EVERY ONE OF MINE HURTS! After a breakfast function this morning, I headed over to a school/community center to help out with the ANGELS AWAITING rummage sale. The sale took up two school rooms and many, many tables full of all kinds of bargains. I got into the action and started helping the patrons by starting a stack of items for each and the cashier ran a tab for each as I added more and more items they had picked out. If you free up their arms, they will fill them up again! It's a "marketing" trick.
After selling a love seat and scooting it to the front of the room, and filling it up with more items, I even offered to give free delivery service with my truck. Fancy Mustang's are not meant to carry furniture! So delivery was part of my "going the extra mile for the sale."
One of the special guests at the breakfast came to our sale, State Representative Ray Pryor, and his family. Being the very special person that he is, willing to do anything for his constituants, he grabbed one end of the love seat and I took the other end and we loaded it into my truck for my special neighbor who bought it. Now that's being a GOOD REPRESENTATIVE!
A woman filled a larged black trash bag full of bargains and I carried the bag to her car for her. She had recently had knee surgery, and I understood that all too well. The other women of our group sat in their chairs and just cheered, "Go Gail Go" as I kept busy helping customers, selling, selling, selling.
When the sale was over, the cleanup began. We had to bag up and box up all the leftover items as they were being donated to our local GOODWILL store. I backed my truck up and started loading the full boxes. I loaded and loaded until I realize I was loading the truck alone. I asked the one man who was there to help me load a heavy box, and he brought out a few others. When the truck was totally full, I headed to Goodwill. After the unloading, I went back for another load.
My friend's husband, who was so sick he should be home in bed, was there loading his truck by that time. Once his truck was loaded, we started loading mine again. When everything was loaded, the gals were bagging up the trash and cleaning the room. All that was left were some baked goods from the bake sale part of the event. It was decided to deliver them to the homeless shelter, so I again offered to deliver.
The two trucks arrived at Goodwill and were unloaded again. They received a LARGE donation today from ANGELS AWAITING. I proceeded to the homeless shelter and two gals came out to receive the two baby items being donated and all the baked goods. They were VERY happy to get those items. I think we made many people happy today. We sure saw lots of smiles on many faces. It felt good to see happy people.
We came so close to our monetary goal, I would definitely call the day a success. As our ANGELS AWAITING MATERNITY HOME organization gets off the ground running, we hope to "make a difference" in this community. We will soon offer a "home away from home" place for single/divorced pregnant homeless women to stay, and up to three months after their baby is born. Many resources and services will be available to assist the women in getting started in motherhood and beyond. Seeing the teen pregnancy rate and the battered women statistics, this service should fill a great need in this community. I'm glad our first "kick off event" was such a success.
After I got home, I crashed on the couch; I remember waking up at 8pm and asking myself, I wonder if I got the number of the Mack truck that hit me, cause I sure am sore all over. I just worked too hard today, but for a good cause. I'll heal and keep on keepin-on, just like always!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

If you love a good yard sale (outdoors) or rummage sale (indoors), then come one - come all to the ANGELS AWAITING rummage sale this Saturday at the Rose Avenue Community Center (formerly Rose Avenue School) on Rose Avenue and take advantage of the many bargains and variety of items available for sale. This sale is the first fundraiser for this newly formed nonprofit organization.
The ANGELS AWAITING MATERNITY HOME will soon be located in Washington Court House. It will be a maternity home offering shelter to homeless, pregnant women to reside and to deliver their babies in a safe, caring, and nurturing environment. It will offer training in everyday living, child care, peer counseling, direction to available resources, help and encouragement for continuing education.
The Home will offer spiritual guidance (if requested), adoption options (if requested), and charge a nominal fee, on a sliding scale, based on income. They will offer residency for a period of up to three months after delivering, but not to exceed twelve months.
If you cannot attend the rummage sale, any and all donations are welcome, and being an Ohio nonprofit corporation, donations are tax deductible. The ANGELS AWAITING MATERNITY HOME has been established "In Loving Memory of Dr. Frank X. Klamet." Please give them your support and/or donations. Many volunteer positions are available.
Hope to see you at the SALE!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
In a frustrating circumstance, imagine that whatever you’re dealing with isn’t happening one year from now. A year from now it will be an irrelevant detail in your life. Trying to deal with frustrating circumstances with more patience won’t solve the problem, but it will give you a needed perspective on the situation. Life isn’t always fair and we have to live with it. It keeps us from being sorry for ourselves.
Stress is a big factor in our everyday lives. So we must learn to lower our tolerance to stress. Learn to relax, take a few deep breaths or take a short walk. It will help you get things back under control. When the stress level is low, it’s manageable, but when it gets bigger, it’s more difficult to control. Don’t worry. It will all get done. Just take it one step at a time. Life is not an emergency, so don’t create your own problems.
I saw a poster once that said “life is a test, it’s only a test.” I figured that if it was real, someone would have told us where to go and what to do. Think of it as a bit of humorous wisdom and don’t take life so seriously.. Look at life as many challenges or a series of tests. Then each issue you face gives you an opportunity to learn, grow and roll with the punches.
Sometimes we have to deal with the disapproval of others. We can’t please all the people all the time. The sooner we accept that we can’t win the approval of everyone, the easier life will be. Get a perspective on life’s journey by realizing that you will have your share of disapproval and disappointments. Life still has its rewards.
I’ve had several personal rewards lately. I’ve had the satisfaction of a happy friend who enjoyed her favorite Sundae, on a Saturday; seen the smile on the face of a good friend when she gets fresh flowers, which she loves so much; and just doing those little chores on the computer that come natural to me.
In a frustrating circumstance, imagine that whatever you’re dealing with isn’t happening one year from now. A year from now it will be an irrelevant detail in your life. Trying to deal with frustrating circumstances with more patience won’t solve the problem, but it will give you a needed perspective on the situation. Life isn’t always fair and we have to live with it. It keeps us from being sorry for ourselves.
Stress is a big factor in our everyday lives. So we must learn to lower our tolerance to stress. Learn to relax, take a few deep breaths or take a short walk. It will help you get things back under control. When the stress level is low, it’s manageable, but when it gets bigger, it’s more difficult to control. Don’t worry. It will all get done. Just take it one step at a time. Life is not an emergency, so don’t create your own problems.
I saw a poster once that said “life is a test, it’s only a test.” I figured that if it was real, someone would have told us where to go and what to do. Think of it as a bit of humorous wisdom and don’t take life so seriously.. Look at life as many challenges or a series of tests. Then each issue you face gives you an opportunity to learn, grow and roll with the punches.
Sometimes we have to deal with the disapproval of others. We can’t please all the people all the time. The sooner we accept that we can’t win the approval of everyone, the easier life will be. Get a perspective on life’s journey by realizing that you will have your share of disapproval and disappointments. Life still has its rewards.
I’ve had several personal rewards lately. I’ve had the satisfaction of a happy friend who enjoyed her favorite Sundae, on a Saturday; seen the smile on the face of a good friend when she gets fresh flowers, which she loves so much; and just doing those little chores on the computer that come natural to me.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Often we allow ourselves to get all worked up about things that aren’t really a big deal. We focus on small things and blow them up out of proportion. Like the driver who cuts in front of us in traffic, let him go, he may be in a bigger hurry than you are. You’ll still get there safely.
People are not perfect and the need for perfection and the desire for inner peace and tranquility conflict with each other. Rather than being content and grateful for what we have, we are focused on what’s wrong with something and our need to fix it. Zoning in on what’s wrong implies that we are dissatisfied or discontented.
Many of us are so busy and have so much to do, we have a secret purpose to get everything done all the time It seems there is always something in the “in basket” of life. The nature of the “in basket” is always to have something in it, not be be empty. We would get very bored if we had absolutely nothing to do. Remember that the purpose is to enjoy getting those things done in the basket, not to rush through them so that you can’t even remember what you did.
Try doing something nice for someone else, like random acts of kindness. There is something rewarding about seeing a smile on another’s face after a generous or thoughtful act.
In spite of what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow, we have to live in today. We need to improve on our quality of patience and acceptance. Without patience, life can be frustrating.
Often we allow ourselves to get all worked up about things that aren’t really a big deal. We focus on small things and blow them up out of proportion. Like the driver who cuts in front of us in traffic, let him go, he may be in a bigger hurry than you are. You’ll still get there safely.
People are not perfect and the need for perfection and the desire for inner peace and tranquility conflict with each other. Rather than being content and grateful for what we have, we are focused on what’s wrong with something and our need to fix it. Zoning in on what’s wrong implies that we are dissatisfied or discontented.
Many of us are so busy and have so much to do, we have a secret purpose to get everything done all the time It seems there is always something in the “in basket” of life. The nature of the “in basket” is always to have something in it, not be be empty. We would get very bored if we had absolutely nothing to do. Remember that the purpose is to enjoy getting those things done in the basket, not to rush through them so that you can’t even remember what you did.
Try doing something nice for someone else, like random acts of kindness. There is something rewarding about seeing a smile on another’s face after a generous or thoughtful act.
In spite of what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow, we have to live in today. We need to improve on our quality of patience and acceptance. Without patience, life can be frustrating.
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